Anu Sam, Dallas
I was born and raised in Bangalore by a Christian family. I always loved singing since my early childhood. I was encouraged to sing for the Lord even when I was five. I was blessed to sing with the “Heart Beats” in 1990 and “Resonance” in 1996. I continued to sing for the Lord after my marriage and arrival in the United States of America. I became a part of the “New Life Ministries” team in 2003. After deep thought, consideration, prayer, and guidance from God, we started “Mahanaim Media ” in Dallas in 2011. It is a blessing to many, and our prayer is to reach the unreached with the word of God through our channel and music, a talent our mighty God has provided me with.
My family had always blessed and motivated me to sing for the Lord. I had gone through unfavorable situations in life, but during those times it was songs that lifted me up and encouraged me to stand against all odds. No doubt singing is an integral part of my life. Praising and singing God’s love is always exciting.
“No power of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from His hand” as it is written in the song In Christ Alone.
I am fearfully created as the psalmist says in Psalm 139. I belong to Him and am truly blessed that I can sing for the Lord. I will always sing for Him.
Anu Sam, Dallas